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Excel Video 476 Refreshing Data Loaded into the Excel Data Model

Sep 21, 2015Business Intelligence, Excel 2013

Now that Excel Video 475 helped us load data, Excel Video 476 is about refreshing data loaded into the Excel Data Model. Watch out for the yellow warning bar. I see that very frequently in practices I work with. By default, Microsoft blocks external content to protect an Excel worksheet. I’ll show you a short term solution and a long term solution to allowing your data to refresh.

The next tip to make sure Excel is set to automatically refresh data when your spreadsheet opens. Watch this carefully. It won’t help to connect your data to your PM or EHR system if you don’t refresh the data. Make it a point to force the refresh when the spreadsheets opens so that you’re always analyzing the most current data.

While we’re at it, I’ll show you two other ways to connect Excel to an outside data source. Since SQL Server is such a common outside data source for medical practices, that’s the example we’ll run through.

Excel Video 476 had a couple of important housekeeping items to make sure the data is connecting properly. We’ll join that data and start creating relationships in the next Excel Video. I look forward to seeing you then.