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Excel Video 421 Referencing Tables in VBA

Tables are a great way to manage Excel data. Excel Video 421 shows how to reference and change a Table using VBA. As we continue our discussion about how to reference data using VBA, it’s worth a few minutes to understand how to work with Tables. If you aren’t...

Excel Video 418 More Ways to Identify Ranges

In Excel Video 418 we’ll identify ranges on another worksheet in the same workbook. Everything in Excel Video 417 assumed we wanted to select ranges in the worksheet we were in when we ran the code, which is called the active worksheet. By referencing the worksheets...

Excel Video 417 Identifying Ranges

Excel Video 417 starts our discussion on identifying ranges for our VBA code to work on. In the Macro Recorder videos we were very concerned about which cell we started recording in. Once we can identify ranges of cells, it’s not as important which cell we’re in when...