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Excel Video 196 Ranking

Want to RANK higher in your Excel knowledge? Watch Excel Video 196. Excel uses RANK functions to show how items rank in a list. You can rank either descending (highest to lowest) or ascending (lowest to highest) and descending is the default for both functions. Watch...

Excel Video 195 LARGE and SMALL

There are a LARGE number of ways to use these two functions and it only takes a SMALL amount of time to learn about them in Excel Video 195. MIN is an easy Excel function that takes the smallest value in a list. What if you want the third smallest value for a...

Excel Video 194 RANDBETWEEN

If your compliance efforts need to be a little more random, watch Excel Video 194. I’ll start with a quick reminder that I’ve already covered some statistical functions relating to forecasting in Excel Videos 100-103. I won’t cover those function again in this series...

Excel Video 193 SUMPRODUCT

SUMPRODUCT gives you two functions for the price of one in Excel Video 193. If you have two columns you want to multiply together and then get a total, you can always add a third column to multiply the first two columns and then sum the third column. If you need to...