by Nate Moore | May 19, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Excel Video 410 gives you a behind the scenes look at what the Macro Recorder is doing in Visual Basic for Applications when it records a macro. Watch how I use Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor and follow along as I record a macro in Excel. If you want to learn...
by Nate Moore | May 12, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Looking for a Moore creative way to launch macros? Watch Excel Video 409 to learn how to attach macros to shapes and pictures in a spreadsheet. The trick is to design and format the shape or picture you want to launch the macro and then right-click. Choose Assign...
by Nate Moore | May 5, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Excel Video 408 shows you how to create a button to run a macro on your spreadsheet. Excel Video 407 added buttons to the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar, but if you only want the macro to run on one spreadsheet, you may prefer to simply have a button to run the...
by Nate Moore | Apr 28, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Excel Video 407 will make your macros easier to access. While you may occasionally write a one-time macro to solve a messy problem on a complex spreadsheet, many of the macros you write will be tasks you want to repeat over and over again. We’ve already talked about...
by Nate Moore | Apr 21, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Excel Video 406 is a brief introduction to the Visual Basics for Applications code created by the Macro Recorder. Alt+F11 is the keyboard shortcut to get to the VBA screen. We’ll see where Excel stores the code generated by the Macro Recorder and get a 30,000 foot...
by Nate Moore | Apr 14, 2014 | Macros and VBA
Watch three tricks to help the Macro Recorder do a better job in Excel Video 405. The first trick is to switch between the absolute and relative references we discussed in Excel Video 404. Watch how I start with an absolute reference to cell A1 so that no matter where...