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When you see =INT(A16/60)&”:”&IF(LEN(MOD(A16,60))=1,”0″&MOD(A16,60),MOD(A16,60)) in Excel Video 192, you’ll be glad you watched Excel Video 191! That big, long formula converts the minutes in cell A16 to an hours:minutes format. You can always just copy that formula into your spreadsheet and replace A16 with the cell you want to convert to hours:minutes, but if you understand INT, LEN, and MOD, you can customize this formula to do other tricks for you as well.
I’ll walk through each step of the formula and explain what the parts do and how they work together. When you’re through with Excel Video 192, you’ll have a powerful formula that can display total minutes in a much more user friendly way. This is a cool formula, but if you start using this formula to impress friends at parties…