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If you haven’t been frustrated by the Pivot Table behavior we’ll discuss in Excel Video 320, you probably will be at some point. If you’ve created the perfect Pivot Table and have it formatted to precisely fit one page, you might be frustrated when you refresh your Pivot Table and the formatting changes on you. There are two settings in the Pivot Table options menu that can help you control what happens to column widths and cell formatting when the Pivot Table updates. Understanding these settings can save you a lot of frustration down the road.
For those of you who are watching these videos as they’re released at, this is my last video for 2012. Well over 250,000 Excel Videos have been watched worldwide. Thanks so much for watching and for spreading the word about these videos. Whatever holiday you’re celebrating at this time of year, I wish you the best. Our Mormon family in Utah is celebrating Christmas, so from our family to yours, Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2013.