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Excel Video 73 demonstrates three types of objects you can add to Excel 2007 charts. You can easily add a picture, a wide variety of shapes, or a text box to a chart in Excel 2007. You may not need a sunset on your charts (unless you’re tracking progress toward a goal with an incentive attached!), but you may want to add your company’s logo, design, or other picture to your chart. We’ll cover adding a picture to the plot area (the area of the chart where the data is plotted) as a background in a separate video.
When you add a shape, right-click the shape to add or edit text associated with the shape, “Ouch” is the text in this example. You can also add a wide variety of formatting to the text inserted in a chart. Watch for the UHC text box to see how to add a gradient fill to the background of a text box.
The insert menu in the Chart Tools Layout tab gives you a wide variety of ways to customize Excel 2007 Charts. I hope Excel Video 73 gives you a couple of ideas to use in your own charts soon.