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Excel Video 173 VLOOKUP Review

Excel Video 173 reviews VLOOKUP, one of the most powerful Excel functions for medical practice managers. I initially covered VLOOKUP starting with Excel Video 61. Now that we have more background there are several more tricks we can use to make lookups even more...

Excel Video 172 Hyperlinks

Here’s a hyperlink to the discussion on hyperlinks in Excel Video 172. We’ll talk about the HYPERLINK function first. It’s pretty straightforward, but inserting a hyperlink from the Insert tab on the ribbon is even faster. The reason I show you the HYPERLINK function...

Excel Video 171 CHOOSE

You can’t CHOOSE an easier function to get started with Lookup & Reference functions than Excel Video 171. The CHOOSE function simply gives Excel which number in a list of items to choose from. You can enter up to 254 items in the list and tell Excel which item...