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Excel Video 273 Finding and Selecting Visible Cells

If you’ve hidden rows or columns and don’t want to copy what you’ve hidden, watch Excel Video 273. There are a couple of different ways to not display something in Excel. You can format your data as a table and then filter out the rows you don’t want to display. If...

Excel Video 271 Go To and Go To Special

When you want to tell Excel where to go, Excel Video 271 may not be what you had in mind. Today we’ll talk about how to get Excel to quickly go to a specific cell or to quickly select and highlight all of the formulas, comments, conditional formatting, constants or...

Excel Video 270 Find Formats and Find All

In Excel Video 270 we’ll find cells based on the format of the cell. If you don’t care about the contents of the cell but want to find all of the cells with a red background color or a blue font, here’s how to do it. You can also find cells based on both the content...

Excel Video 269 Options in the Find and Replace Window

If you need to find comments, search throughout your Excel spreadsheet, or make your searches case sensitive, watch Excel Video 269. We’ll start on the options available in the Find and Replace window today. You’ll see how to search across an entire workbook instead...

Excel Video 268 Using Wildcards to Find

Now that we know how to find things in Excel, Excel Video 268 shows how to find parts of things. By parts of things I mean rather than looking for an entire CPT code like 99201, we can search for all of the codes that start with 992 or that end in 1. The trick is to...