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Excel Video 353 Using Arrays to Copy Data

Excel Video 353 has our first trick with arrays. I’ll show you a quick way to get the name of range of cells you’ve named using Name Manager, and then we’re off to work. Sometimes this helps and sometimes this doesn’t help, but one of the features of an array is that...

Excel Video 352 Transposing Arrays

If you have a horizontal array and need to use it with a vertical range, Excel Video 352 can make your life much easier. If you’ve defined an array across columns but need to use it down rows, you’ll see in Excel Video 352 that you won’t get the right answer. Rather...

Excel Video 351 Changing Named Array Constants

If you need to make the named array constants we created in Excel Video 350 a little more flexible, watch Excel Video 351. Today we’ll define our array of constants as a range instead of entering the numbers 1 through 5 in the array. Now if we decide to change our...

Excel Video 350 Naming an Array

Today we’ll simplify the formula we created in Excel Video 349 by naming an array in Excel Video 350. If you’re going to reuse an array with constants, an easy way to do it is to name the array. Watch how I have to put braces around the array in the formula and how I...

Excel Video 349 Using Constants in an Array Formula

Excel Video 349 has a practical example of using constants in an array formula. The example is a weighted average of the past 5 years of revenues. Notice how much space on the Excel spreadsheet it takes to do the weighted average compared to what can be done in one...

Excel Video 348 Constants in Array Formulas

Watch Excel Video 348 to see how to enter constants in array formulas. Constants are numbers, like 6 or 10, as opposed to cell references, like A4, that we’ve used so far. I’ll say this in the video, but there are much, much easier ways to fill a range of cells with...