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Excel Video 392 Advanced Filtering Part 5

Excel Video 392 has one more clever advanced filtering trick for 2013. This is the last Excel Video I’ll publish for 2013, so let me pause for a moment and thank each of you for watching and for publicizing the videos. I’ve had well over half a million videos watched...

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Excel Video 391 Advanced Filtering Part 4

In Excel Video 391 we’ll filter dates and then make the filter more powerful by adding the same field twice to our filtering criteria. First, the easy part. It’s easy to filter by date. You don’t need any of the funny text syntax we’ve talked about in previous Excel...

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Excel Video 390 Advanced Filtering Part 3

Excel Video 390 will make our advanced filtering more powerful with wildcards. We’ll discuss two different wildcards, an asterisk (*) and a question mark (?). The asterisk filters any number of any character. In the video a* will filter for any patient whose last name...

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Excel Video 389 Advanced Filtering Part 2

Our advanced filters get a little more complicated in Excel Video 389. Today we’ll add more criteria so that our filters look for a AND b OR c AND d. Notice how everything on the same row of my advanced filter criteria is an AND filter and that each separate row is an...

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Excel Video 388 Advanced Filtering Part 1

Excel Video 388 discusses the differences between AND filters and OR filters in Excel. Most of the filtering techniques we’ve discussed will let you filter for a AND b, but not a OR b. Advanced filters will let you use OR filters if you set things up correctly and use...

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Excel Video 387 Excel 2013 Table Slicers Part 2

Excel Video 387 has more tricks with Table Slicers in Excel 2013. We’ll start by showing how easy it is to delete a Slicer when you’re done with it. We’ll align and group Slicers to make them appear as you’d like on the screen. Also watch for how to use the Selection...

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Excel Video 386 Excel 2013 Table Slicers Part 1

If you like Slicers, you’ll be happy to watch Excel Video 386 and see that they’ve been added to Tables in Excel 2013. If you haven’t seen Slicers, they’ve been available in Pivot Tables since Excel 2010. You can see Slicers in Pivot Tables by watch Excel Videos 289...

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Excel Video 385 Search Box Filter

The Search Box is another way to filter your data in Excel Video 385. The Search Box lets you look for text anywhere inside your data. That’s helpful, but the Add current selection to filter check box is even more helpful because it allows you to do an “or” filter....

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Excel Video 384 Text, Number and Date Filters

Excel Video 384 covers three quick ways to filter data in a Table based on the type of data stored in each column. We’ll work through text, number, and date filters with examples of how you might use each. Again, text, number and date filters can be combined to drill...

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Excel Video 383 Manual Filtering in Tables

Excel Video 383 gets us started with the basics of filtering data in Tables. Once your data is in a Table, it’s as easy as checking and unchecking boxes to filter Tables. Notice that I apply multiple filters at the same time so with a few clicks you can drill down to...

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Excel Video 382 Sorting by Color in Tables

If you’ve never sorted cells by color before, watch Excel Video 382. You’re probably used to sorting cells alphabetically or numerically, but did you know you can sort by the cell color, the font color, or the cell icon? Excel makes it easy. Watch how Excel goes...

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Excel Video 381 Sorting in Tables

We’ll start our discussion of Tables features in Excel Video 381 with sorting. The big advantage of sorting data in Tables is that you don’t have to select the entire data range to sort. If you’ve sorted data in Excel before, you know you have to carefully select the...

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Excel Video 380 Excel 2013 Tables

Excel Video 380 starts our discussion of Tables in Excel 2013. Tables are different than the Pivot Tables you’ve heard me talk a lot about. We’ll start by simply creating tables. If you already have a Pivot Table, creating a table is easy, simply double click the...

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Excel Video 379 Timelines – Part 2

Excel Video 379 has some ways to customize Timelines, some gotchas, and a powerful feature of Timelines. The customization options for Timelines are fairly straight-forward. The thing I spend extra time on in this Excel Video is two gotchas to watch out for. Slicers...

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Excel Video 378 Timelines – Part 1

Excel Video 378 introduces Timelines, a new Pivot Table feature in Excel 2013. If you’re familiar with Slicers, you’ll pick up on Timelines quickly. Slicers were new in Excel 2010. If you haven’t seen Slicers, watch Excel Videos 289-290. Timelines are a way to...

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Excel Video 376 Quick Analysis Totals

In Excel Video 376, the Quick Analysis button we’ve been discussing will enter a variety of totals for our data. The totals formulas are helpful, but if you’re familiar with Excel you may be able to recreate many of these totals on your own. If you aren’t as familiar...

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Excel Video 375 Quick Analysis – Charts

Excel 2013’s trying to make your life a little easier with the Quick Analysis tool in Excel Video 375. The Quick Analysis tools uses built-in algorithms to look at your data and give you some ideas about how you might analyze it. Today we’ll look at the Charts section...

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