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SSRS June 2019

If you own your data, you likely own SQL Server.  If you own SQL Server, you likely own SQL Server Reporting Services, or SSRS.  SSRS is a great way to communicate data to physicians, the billing office, the front desk, clinical staff, and more via...

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Doral Jacobsen May 2019

I caught up with my friend Doral Jacobsen, the queen of value based contracting, at MGMA's Data Conference in Orlando last week.  Listen to our conversation about how Doral sees practices using data to improve their position when it comes to value based...

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Tracking New Patients

New patients are the life blood of any practice, whether you are a specialty or a primary care group.  What kind of metrics should you track to understand where your new patients are coming from, what those new patients are worth to the practice, and how...

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Tips and Tricks to Manage Accounts Receivable

Looking for ways to better manage your accounts receivable?  I had two conversations today with practices on that topic.  Listen for idea after idea of ways to make your billing office more efficient and effective.  One or two of these ideas could make all...

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April 2019 Conversation with Dave Gans

Join my conversation with MGMA's Dave Gans in April, 2019.  Dave and I talked at MGMA's Operations Conference in Austin, Texas about what Dave is seeing in the latest MGMA survey data.  Hospital-employed primary care physicians are becoming more productive.  Get...

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Appointments in a Global Period

If you can see your appointment data, you can see the future. Today's podcast is one example of how to see and then change your future by data mining for appointments in a global period.  What else can your appointment data tell you?

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Analyze Your Allowed Amounts

Looking for a way to dramatically change your bottom line with hiring more providers or even seeing more patients?  Listen to today's BIG Ideas podcast for ideas on auditing payer payments.  The Pivot Table I describe can help your billing office quickly identify...

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Measuring Appointment Duration

Patients do not come to your office to wait, to watch your lobby TV, or use your guest wifi.  Patients come to see your providers.  How can you make your clinic more efficient so that patients spend more of their time with your providers and less time waiting?  How...

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MGMA Podcast about Patient Access

In this MGMA insider episode, Nate Moore, "The Data Guy", takes a deep dive into how data can help explain patient access.Nate discusses:* Data Analysis in a medical practice* Time to Third* No Shows* Pivot TablesThanks to my friends at MGMA for allowing me to share...

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March 2019 Conversation with Lucien Roberts

I was recently in Virginia to work with Lucien Roberts and his team at Gastrointestinal Specialists.  Join our conversation as Lucien discusses how he uses Pivot Tables to analyze the data in his practice.  Lucien will talk about how Pivot Tables allow him more access...

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No Shows

What should I measure and how can I reduce No Shows in my medical practice?  Get ideas and insights to make your providers and your clinic more effective today.

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Excel Video 519 Time and View Options in 3D Maps

We will cover the ribbon sections for time and view options in 3D Maps in Excel Video 519. Once you add a time element to your map, Excel Video 519 will show you how to tweak the timeline and the way the time is displayed. Showing seconds in the time display when your...

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Excel Video 518 Insert Options in 3D Maps

There are three Insert Options in 3D Maps to discuss in Excel Video 518. You can insert a two-dimensional chart that displays the same data shown on your map. You can choose either a column chart or a bar chart and can choose whether or not the chart is stacked, but...

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Excel Video 517 Map Options in 3D Maps

Excel Video 517 has three ways to add map options in 3D Maps. First, there is an easy way to add map labels like names of cities to your map. The Map Labels button toggles the names on and off. Map labels can be especially helpful if you are trying to understand...

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Excel Video 516 Videos and Themes in 3D Maps

We have spent a lot of time getting just the right data on our map, so today Excel Video 516 takes a few minutes to think about using videos and themes in 3D maps. Remember that this is Excel, not a movie-producing software package. There are, however, some things we...

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Excel Video 515 Scene Options in 3D Maps

Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. In Excel Video 515 we will play a Tour and change some Scene Options relating to how the Tour is presented. A Tour is simply a collection of scenes played in the order we set in Excel Video 514. The...

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Excel Video 514 Scenes in 3D Maps

Excel Video 514 demonstrates scenes in 3D Maps. A scene is a view of your data on a map. Layers allowed us to put multiple sets of data on the same map. Today we can use scenes to put multiple sets of data on different maps. Watch how we can create a new scene based...

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Excel Video 513 Layers in 3D Maps

Now that Excel Video 512 has given us multiple datasets to play with, we will use layers in 3D Maps to show multiple sets of data on one map. To keep things simple to start with, watch how I use the eye icon to hide the CMS Referrals Data layer. We can then work with...

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Excel Video 512 Multiple Datasets in 3D Maps

To add more features to our discussion of mapping in Excel, we need to add Multiple Datasets in 3D Maps. Excel Video 512 will do just that. Our objective to is plot different sources of data in one tour, or group of maps. For example, we won’t just track referral...

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Excel Video 511 3D Maps Region Map

A region map is a great way to see your data summarized by geographic region, like a zip code. Watch Excel Video 511 to see how to make a region map work for your data. The first thing to note is that unlike heat maps, a region map will let you use categories with...

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