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Excel Video 294 Grouping Dates

Grouping is another powerful way to analyze data in Pivot Tables and it’s the topic of Excel Video 294. We’ll start our discussion of grouping data by using a date. Notice how when I click on a date in a Pivot Table Excel recognizes that it’s a date and gives me...

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Excel Video 293 Drill Down to Detail

If Excel Video 293 doesn’t cover the best feature in a Pivot Table, it’s certainly in the top three. Pivot Tables are great for data analysis, but if you’re like me, you’ve had the experience of taking a report to a physician or an administrator and having them say,...

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Excel Video 292 Search Box Filter, Part 2

The search box gives you filter even more power when you know the trick I’ll share in Excel Video 292. It’s hard to do OR filters in Pivot Tables. It’s easy to get all of the patients from Dr. Rook AND in the North location, but it’s hard to get all of the patients...

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Excel Video 291 Search Box Filter, Part 1

There’s one more filter for Pivot Tables I’d like to show you in Excel Video 291. The filter’s a search box, and it’s new in Excel 2010. It’s easy to type what you’re looking for in the search box and Excel will look through the labels in the row (columns work too)...

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Excel Video 290 Slicers, Part 2

Watch Excel Video 290 today to see several more clever tricks with Slicers. We’ll spend most of this video in the Slicer Tools menu working through a variety of Slicer options to get the Slicers to look just the way you want. I’ve seen some dashboards constructed with...

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Excel Video 289 Slicers, Part 1

You might need an extra batch of popcorn for Excel Video 289. I’m discussing Slicers, a clever new feature in Excel 2010 to manually filter Pivot Table data. Slicers are a great visual way to easily filter data. You’ll see how it’s much easier to see which data is...

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Excel Video 288 Top 10 Filters

It’s not Letterman, but Excel Video 288 has way to get Top 10 Lists in Pivot Tables. Just because it’s called Top 10 doesn’t mean you’re limited to top or 10. You can easily select the bottom 5 instead of the top 10. You can also choose whether you want items,...

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Excel Video 287 Value Filters

Excel Video 287 showcases a third way to filter your Pivot Table data, Value Filters. Where Label Filters focused on what was in the row or column label, Value Filters look at the data in the Values area of the Pivot Table. It’s easy to filter for values that are...

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Excel Video 286 Date Filters

Watch Excel Video 286 to see how Excel customizes your filter options based on the type of data in your rows and columns. When we looked at label filters in the last Excel Video, we had a text field in the Row Label field we were filtering, so Excel gave us text based...

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Excel Video 285 Label Filters

Excel Video 285 adds some real power to your filtering skills by introducing Label Filters. Label Filters allow you to filter by whatever is in the Row or Column Label. In our example today, we’ll filter text data. It’s easy to select labels that begin with, don’t...

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Excel Video 284 Manual Filters

Excel Video 284 shares an easy way to filter your Pivot Table data. There are several ways to filter, or limit the amount of data in your Pivot Table. Today we’ll discuss the easiest way to filter, simply by checking boxes. I call this way of filtering a manual filter...

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Excel Video 283 Manually Sorting Pivot Table Data

When sorting A-Z or Z-A isn’t good enough, watch Excel Video 283. Today we’ll discuss how manually sort data. When you need data in a different order then ascending or descending, just turn on manual sort and you can drag items in your list to rearrange them just the...

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Excel Video 282 Sorting Pivot Table Data

Sorting Pivot Table data, as we’ll do in Excel Video 282, is much easier than sorting regular data in Excel. You’re probably aware that if you sort regular data in Excel you have to be very careful to select the entire range of data to sort in order to avoid...

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Excel Video 280 Create a Pivot Table

I’ve decided to go back and cover Pivot Tables again, starting in Excel Video 280. Since I recorded the first Excel Video almost 3 years ago, I’ve made almost 25 presentations across the country on using Pivot Tables in a medical practice. I know a little more about...

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Excel Video 279 Excel and Word

If you’re wondering how to decide whether to create something in Excel or in Word, I have some ideas and suggestions in Excel Video 279. I usually decide whether to use Excel or Word based on whether the bulk of my work is numbers (use Excel) or words (use Word). On a...

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Excel Video 278 Finding Merged Cells

Excel Video 278 has a real-world application from a client I visited in Dallas two weeks ago. They had a big spreadsheet that wouldn’t sort because of a merged cell. The problem was how to find a merged cell in a big spreadsheet. After doing all of these Go To Special...

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Excel Video 277 Filling Blank Cells with Data

Excel Video 277 has another quick Go To Special shortcut to fill blank cells with data. If you download PM data or EHR data from your system, or if you download data from an outside source, this video may be very helpful for you. Sometimes data downloaded into Excel...

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Excel Video 276 Finding and Deleting Blank Rows

If you’re getting extra blank rows when you download data from your software, you’re five clicks away from a solution in Excel Video 276. You’re getting used to quick shortcuts using Go To Special, so you won’t be surprised that we can do this shortcut in just five...

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Excel Video 275 Finding Row Differences

I used to find differences between data in two columns the hard way until I found the trick I’ll show you in Excel Video 275. If I had a list of data in two columns and wanted to find the data that’s different in column A than column B, I used to write a formula using...

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