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Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the break. We’re starting 2010 with an easy example to get back into Excel. There’s a cool feature under value filters that allows you to filter for the top or bottom x items, percentage, or sum of items in your table. If you want to see your top 10 CPT Codes by allowed amount or the 5 CPT Codes with the lowest reimbursement percentage, the top x value filter will come in very handy. You can select the top or bottom x items, but you can also take the top or bottom percent or the top or bottom sum of the values as well. The list of filters calls this filter Top 10, but you aren’t limited to the top (you can choose the bottom) or 10 (you can put in any number you want, not just integers), so the filter is very flexible.

I hope you find these videos valuable. I look forward to producing more videos in 2010 and meeting many of you at various MGMA Excel classes.