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Excel Video 72 reviews the different types of column charts that are available in Excel 2007. You’ll learn the difference between a Clustered Column and a Stacked Column and see the different shapes available in column charts. If you want to keep up with Hollywood, Excel has a variety of 3-D charts available as well. Good luck charging a couple of extra dollars for 3D like the theaters do.
Toward the end of the video is a powerful application of a 100% Stacked Column Chart. The sample data uses E&M coding levels (1-5) and the column shows the percentage of each coding level billed by each physician. 100% Stacked charts don’t look at the total volume of the data (total patient encounters in this case), but simply look at the relative levels of each E&M Coding Level. 100% Stacked charts allow you to compare physicians with different patient volumes using the same analysis to look for patterns, in this case differences in E&M coding levels. I’ve used 100% Stacked charts to compare E&M coding levels for different physicians over the same time period and to compare the same physician over different time periods. A good combination of these column charts goes a long way toward powerfully and concisely presenting your data to physicians.