by Nate Moore | Feb 9, 2011 | Charts
Excel Video 130 is much simpler than the last Excel Video. Now that we’ve used the frequency function to calculate the frequency of our data, here’s a trick to make your column chart look more like frequency than discrete data. The trick is to right-click the data...
by Nate Moore | Feb 7, 2011 | Charts
Excel Video 129 uses the frequency function to group data into ranges or buckets. Frequency is an array function. If you haven’t seen arrays, they work differently than traditional Excel functions. To tell Excel you’re entering an array formula, you need to hit...
by Nate Moore | Feb 2, 2011 | Charts
Excel Video 128 introduces Pie of Pie Charts. A Pie of Pie Chart is simply a pie chart with a secondary pie chart that shows the detail of a portion of the primary pie chart. Often you’ll have data where a couple of categories make up most of the total followed by a...