by Nate Moore | May 23, 2015 | Charts, Excel 2013
Excel 2013 line charts are a great way to show and compare trends. As I go through a couple of line chart examples in Excel Video 461, watch for shortcuts to quickly switch the rows and legends of a chart with one click using the Switch Row/Column button. You’ll see a...
by Nate Moore | May 20, 2015 | Functions
I’ve posted another free article on my website. Today’s topic is Absolute vs Relative References in Excel. Spreadsheets are great at being able to create one formula and copy it hundreds or thousands of times. Many times that copy and paste is good...
by Nate Moore | May 18, 2015 | Charts, Excel 2013
Excel 2013 Bar Charts in some ways are very similar to Excel 2013 Column Charts. In Excel Video 460 we’ll build a quick bar chart and then look at several sets of data displayed in both column and bar charts to see which types of data might look better in either...
by Nate Moore | May 11, 2015 | Charts, Excel 2013
There are several Excel 2013 Column Charts to choose from, and in Excel Video 459 we’ll walk through the differences and make a recommendation or two. The first column chart recommendation from my perspective is to stick with two dimensional charts. Save the 3D for...
by Nate Moore | May 4, 2015 | Charts, Excel 2013
Filtering chart data like we’ll do in Excel Video 458 is significantly easier in Excel 2013 than it was in the past. Watch how hard it used to be to filter chart data (if you really want to know how hard it was, watch Excel Videos 95 and 96) and how easy it is to...