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Excel Video 389 Advanced Filtering Part 2

Our advanced filters get a little more complicated in Excel Video 389. Today we’ll add more criteria so that our filters look for a AND b OR c AND d. Notice how everything on the same row of my advanced filter criteria is an AND filter and that each separate row is an...

Excel Video 388 Advanced Filtering Part 1

Excel Video 388 discusses the differences between AND filters and OR filters in Excel. Most of the filtering techniques we’ve discussed will let you filter for a AND b, but not a OR b. Advanced filters will let you use OR filters if you set things up correctly and use...

Excel Video 387 Excel 2013 Table Slicers Part 2

Excel Video 387 has more tricks with Table Slicers in Excel 2013. We’ll start by showing how easy it is to delete a Slicer when you’re done with it. We’ll align and group Slicers to make them appear as you’d like on the screen. Also watch for how to use the Selection...

Excel Video 386 Excel 2013 Table Slicers Part 1

If you like Slicers, you’ll be happy to watch Excel Video 386 and see that they’ve been added to Tables in Excel 2013. If you haven’t seen Slicers, they’ve been available in Pivot Tables since Excel 2010. You can see Slicers in Pivot Tables by watch Excel Videos 289...

Excel Video 385 Search Box Filter

The Search Box is another way to filter your data in Excel Video 385. The Search Box lets you look for text anywhere inside your data. That’s helpful, but the Add current selection to filter check box is even more helpful because it allows you to do an “or” filter....