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Excel Video 331 Introducing Goal Seek

Now that you’re a Pivot Table Master, Excel Video 331 introduces an Excel feature I’ve been waiting to show you, What-If tools. Excel is great tool for data analysis and there are several Excel tools to make that analysis even more powerful. We’ll start with Goal...

Excel Video 330 Create a Pivot Chart from Scratch

If you know you’ll need a Pivot Chart when you start creating a Pivot Table, Excel Video 330 shows you how to create a Pivot Chart and a Pivot Table at the same time. You don’t have to create a Pivot Table first and then create a Pivot Chart. If it helps you visualize...

Excel Video 329 Pivot Chart Field Buttons

Excel Video 329 introduces Pivot Chart Field Buttons. I’ll describe what Pivot Chart Field Buttons are and when they might be helpful. With each version of Excel, Microsoft seems to rotate whether or not Pivot Chart Field Buttons are on or off by default. Once you...