by Nate Moore | Sep 28, 2011 | Functions
Want to RANK higher in your Excel knowledge? Watch Excel Video 196. Excel uses RANK functions to show how items rank in a list. You can rank either descending (highest to lowest) or ascending (lowest to highest) and descending is the default for both functions. Watch...
by Nate Moore | Sep 26, 2011 | Functions
There are a LARGE number of ways to use these two functions and it only takes a SMALL amount of time to learn about them in Excel Video 195. MIN is an easy Excel function that takes the smallest value in a list. What if you want the third smallest value for a...
by Nate Moore | Sep 21, 2011 | Functions
If your compliance efforts need to be a little more random, watch Excel Video 194. I’ll start with a quick reminder that I’ve already covered some statistical functions relating to forecasting in Excel Videos 100-103. I won’t cover those function again in this series...
by Nate Moore | Sep 19, 2011 | Functions
SUMPRODUCT gives you two functions for the price of one in Excel Video 193. If you have two columns you want to multiply together and then get a total, you can always add a third column to multiply the first two columns and then sum the third column. If you need to...
by Nate Moore | Sep 14, 2011 | Functions
When you see =INT(A16/60)&”:”&IF(LEN(MOD(A16,60))=1,”0″&MOD(A16,60),MOD(A16,60)) in Excel Video 192, you’ll be glad you watched Excel Video 191! That big, long formula converts the minutes in cell A16 to an hours:minutes format....
by Nate Moore | Sep 12, 2011 | Functions
Invest 4 minutes to learn about 3 functions by watching Excel Video 191. The payoff will be next time when we use all three to convert minutes to an hours:minutes format. INT simply rounds a number down to the nearest integer. LEN calculates the length, or number of...