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Excel Video 257 Fill Down, Right, Up or Left

Excel Video 257 starts our discussion of another shortcut that can save you a ton of time. Excel calls it Fill, and you can Fill Down, Fill Right, Fill Up, or Fill Left. As you’ll see in the video, I think the Fill Handle is the fastest way to fill data. Watch how...

Excel Video 256 Shortcuts to Sum

Watch Excel Video 256 for two fast ways to sum data, one of the most common things to do in Excel. Today I’ll show you two quick ways, a sum icon you can click on or a Alt+= shortcut to type. Part of the reason the shortcuts save time is Excel takes its best guess for...

Excel Video 255 Format Menu

There are four ways to do just about everything in Excel. Excel Video 255 has some additional ways to do things you may already be doing in Excel. This is an easy video today. We’re back to the Home tab on the Ribbon working our way across the basics of Excel. We’ll...

Excel Video 254 Mixed Cell References

I hope you’re not mixed up after learning about mixed cell references in Excel Video 254. Now that you’re familiar with relative cell references and absolute cell references, we’ll mix things up a little. Instead of either letting both the row and column components of...