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Simple Dashboards

Do your providers know how they are doing on key metrics compared to their peers? Is the process automatic? Today's BIG Idea is a simple dashboard that is automatically emailed to providers monthly.  The dashboard has key metrics compared to historical averages and...

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Find Missing Revenue by Minding the Gap

Is your practice missing revenue? Do you have an easy way to tell? Today's BIG Idea is from an onsite visit last week to a group in the Southeast.  The practice gets HL7 files from services rendered at the hospital that are then imported and billed.  The objective was...

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See Today and Tomorrow Workload

If a retailer knew how many customers would come to their establishment today and what they will purchase, would the retailer staff differently?  Would the retailer manager inventory differently? To a great extent, medical practices know how many patients are coming...

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Appointment Scrubbers

Was last week's podcast on claim scrubbers helpful? Would you like to accelerate your revenue cycle even further? Similar to a claim scrubber, an appointment scrubber has rules that look at upcoming appointments for potential problems.  Anything the practice...

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Claim Scrubbers

Would you like to speed up your revenue cycle? Are you tired of appealing unnecessary denials? If you aren't using a claim scrubber to test claims for potential problems before submitting the claims to your clearinghouse, this BIG Ideas podcast may be just the thing...

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Excel Dashboards

Are you wasting time copying, pasting, and manually entering data to get your providers a dashboard? Wouldn't it be better to automate this? Today's BIG Idea is a project I have been working on for the last month or two to pull data out of SQL Server to automate a...

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Mine EOB Adjustment Codes

Are your payers reimbursing what you expect them to, or are sneaky adjustment codes reducing your payments? How long has it been since you reviewed adjustments on your claims? Insurance payers use Claim Adjustment Reason Codes (CARC) and Remittance Advice Remark Codes...

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Appointment Dashboard

Are your patients and providers frustrated with delays in your practice? Could data in your practice management system help if you could only access the data? Today's BIG Idea is from a savvy orthopedic group in the Pacific Northwest.  Their clinic workflow can be...

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Compare Payer Reimbursement

How happy are you with your payers lately? How long has it been since you have analyzed your payer contracts? A recent MGMA stat poll reported that 69% of practices reported an increase in denials in 2021.  Denials are a sure-fire way to be frustrated with a payer,...

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Appointment Inventory

Well run businesses have a firm handle on their inventory. Does your practice? How many appointments does your practice have each month?  How many of those appointments go unfilled?  Why?  Is the issue a specific provider, location, or day of the week that goes...

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Conversation with Bill James

Today’s BIG Ideas Podcast is a conversation with my friend, Bill James, who runs an ophthalmology practice in Indiana.  Bill and I will talk about real world examples of custom reports doing things canned reports can’t do.  Especially listen for our conversation about...

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Denials and Claim Scrubbers

Are your denials going up? You are not alone. A recent MGMA Stat poll showed that 69% of practices reported an increase in denials in 2021.  On average, denials have increased by 17% in 2021.  Listen to today's BIG Ideas podcast for ideas on how to track and then...

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