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Excel Video 300 Percentages of the Parent Row Total

As we hit the milestone of Excel Video 300, I’ll pause for a minute to say thanks for watching. I realize quite a few of you have watched all 300 videos. Thanks for watching and for spreading the word about these Excel Videos. The percentages we discussed last time...

Excel Video 299 Percentages of the Total

Excel Video 299 introduces a powerful way to look at trends over time by using percentages in your Pivot Table. Instead of putting numbers in the values area of the Pivot Table, today we’ll replace the numbers with percentages to see how the mix of clinic locations...

Excel Video 298 Calculations in a Pivot Table

In Excel Video 298 we’re ready to start talking about calculations in a Pivot Table. Today we’re primarily working with the Values area in the Pivot Table. You can drag multiple fields to the Values area and you can even drag the same field to the Values more than...

Excel Video 297 Expanding and Collapsing Groups

When you see how easy it is to expand and contract groups in Excel Video 297, you’ll wish it was this easy to contract your waistline! Today we’ll go through three ways to make your grouped items expand (show detailed data) or contract (show summary data). You can...